About Us

Our Story

Under the vision of Communities in Partnership, the Culinary Femme Collective was created in 2019 to support local femme food businesses with an emphasis on femmes of color. The Collective established shared values and business goals to guide their collaborative work. Accountability to shared values and transparency in the work are central to how the Collective operates.

The Collective operates with a both and approach.

We aim to effect change on the ground and at the systems level. We invest in immediate action that has a direct impact on growing equity in the local business environment while affecting larger, systems change through advocacy and leading by example.



Equity is the very foundation of our work. We value the labor of the people who make this food economy run, and therefore believe that each person’s contribution should be highly valued. It is because of this that we hold all members of this collective to a standard of truly being equitable in their business practices by paying all of their employees a sustainable living wage.

Food as Community

We believe food should nourish body, soul and land. This belief extends to our sourcing and product choices. The Collective prioritizes products that directly support farmers of color, protects those who grow and harvest our food, and preserves natural resources.

Solidarity Economy

We work cooperatively with allies to sustain and grow local food businesses that pay fair wages and advocate for economic and racial justice.

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“We value the labor of the people who make this food economy run, and therefore believe that each person’s contribution should be highly valued.”